Meet The Team

Coaching style: I am a hands-on coach who prioritizes ensuring our members understand each movement and where they should feel it. My goal is to help our members build confidence in performing movements correctly, so they feel empowered to do them on their own.
Advice for newcomers: Be patient and willing to learn. Ask questions if you don't understand.
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage:
The people. We have the best people in Statesboro at the gym.
Place I'd love to visit: I love the continent of Africa. I've never been to Northern Africa, so I would love to go to Egypt or Morocco.
Little-known fun fact about me: I am an open book, so I don't think there is much. I am a Lifetime Girl Scout and I have my Gold Award.
Favorite Movement(s): Deadlift, snatch, and ring muscle-ups!
Coaching style: My style is informative with tactile cues that are actionable against the movements that are being done while throwing in one too many dad jokes..
Advice for newcomers: Stick with it! Don’t worry about fancy programs, just come to the gym, get a sweat and work! Progress comes with consistency!
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage: I love the people and how everyone is so accepting and coachable. Everyone always wants to better themselves.
Place I'd love to visit: Dubai or Australia to visit the Great Barrier Reef!
Little-known fun fact about me: I was a touring drummer for 6 years before I settled down in Statesboro.
Favorite Movement(s): Snatch! There’s nothing like bringing a heavy weight from the floor to overhead! The perfect combination of speed, power, and technique!

Coaching style: My coaching style is more the "encourager". I like to meet people where they are and love to witness them impress themselves.
Advice for newcomers: As long as you're doing more than you did yesterday, you are winning. Or you're winning just walking in the door.
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage:
Watching confidence build right in front of me!
Place I'd love to visit: Anywhere with sand and salty water.
Little-known fun fact about me: I skated on the Roller Derby team with the name "Beastly Karma".
Favorite Movement: Deadlifting cars!
Coaching style: Laid back. I try to relate to the members I coach. I know how tough our classes can be but I also know how rewarding they are, so I try to push them towards the reward from a place of understanding.
Advice for newcomers: Work hard and the results are sure to follow! Be open to advice and talk to anyone. We all struggle in the workouts and are all here for each other.
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage: I love getting to know each member and watching them grow along their fitness journey.
Place I'd love to visit: Anywhere there is a CrossFit gym nearby.
Little-known fun fact about me: I'm a certified private pilot.
Favorite Movement: Handstand Pushups!​

Coaching style: I create a fun environment!
Advice for newcomers: Don't give up! These classes are hard for everyone at every level!
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage:
The people! I love our little community!
Place I'd love to visit: Anywhere with a beach because that is my happy place.
Little-known fun fact about me: I have a Harry Potter tattoo on my wrist!
Favorite Movement: Dumbbell Snatches!
Coaching style: Encouraging, laid back and adaptive.
Advice for newcomers: The hardest part of every workout is showing up!
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage: I love our gym's fun, competitive atmosphere!
Place I'd love to visit: I would go to Spain and see the Running of the Bulls!
Little-known fun fact about me: I have also been involved in football coaching at the high school and college level!
Favorite Movement: Cluster!

Coaching style: Relaxed. I like to make people feel comfortable in the gym.
Advice for newcomers: Don't feel pressured to keep up with everyone around you. Go at your own pace.
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage:
Meeting all kinds of new people from all different areas.
Place I'd love to visit: Scotland. It's where I got engaged and the history there is amazing.
Little-known fun fact about me: I was a dual sport athlete in college: softball and volleyball.
Favorite Movement: Deadlift!​
Coaching style: I like to believe I'm an encouraging & relaxed coach.
Advice for newcomers: Stick with it. It pays off.
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage: The community.
Place I'd love to visit: I would love to travel to Asia for a food tour.
Little-known fun fact about me: I've been doing CrossFit for almost 7 years.
Favorite Movement: Cleans!​

Coaching style: ENERGETIC.
Advice for newcomers: Everyone has the worries of their day, but the gym is a great place to find an outlet...especially with the awesome community!
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage:
Everyone here who makes it a welcoming place for people of all skill levels
Place I'd love to travel: Fiji because they talked about it in Aquamarine & I looked it up and wanted to go ever since :)
Little-known fun fact about me: I can play three instruments: piano, ukulele, & guitar
Favorite Movement: Handstand Walks!
Coaching style: Sweet and direct
Advice for newcomers: Give yourself grace! Everyone starts somewhere, and why not start now! Improvement will come with consistency!
What I LOVE about coaching at The Garage: I love the community at The Garage. My 5:30am crew makes the early morning fun!
Place I'd love to travel: I would travel to Brazil because I want to visit my friends!
Little-known fun fact about me: I have played a total of 5 sports throughout middle & high school.
Favorite Movement: Power Cleans!

Communication style: Warm and welcoming, like your favorite auntie's sweet potato pie.
Advice for newcomers: You'll probably feel like you're doing everything wrong in the beginning. And that's a good thing! That means you have a starting point. Keep going!
What I LOVE about working at The Garage:
​It's been really cool learning the ins and outs of running a gym - especially one as community -oriented as The Garage.
Place I'd love to travel: I'd fly to Australia in a heartbeat if the plane ride wasn't so long.
Little-known fun fact about me: I've been in Oprah Magazine!
Favorite Movement(s): Power cleans, deadlifts, back squats and front squats!